As dementia progresses, individuals might experience incontinence for the bowel and bladder especially at the later stages. It can be distressing for people with dementia as well as their families. Most of the spouses and the children are concerning about loss of independency and increase caregivers burden. It can lead to psychological and socio-economic burden in the family. It is essential to increase the awareness of incontinence in dementia care as to promote a better living in people with dementia.
At the end of the webinar, participants should be able:
· To understand the types of incontinences.
· To understand the causes of incontinence in dementia.
· To know the general management of incontinence in clinical settings.
· To learn the non-pharmacological management in incontinence.
An e-certificate and 1 CPD point will be awarded at the end of the session.
Targeted participants:
Nurses or caregivers working in acute or long-term care institutes, family members, healthcare management, allied health professionals, students, people living with dementia and anyone interested in this topic.
Dr Teh Hoon Lang
Geriatrician, Sunway Medical Centre
If you would like to participate in this webinar, kindly click at the link below for registration.